Tuesday, July 15 - Wednesday, July 16, 2025
Fiduciary Responsibility and Plan Governance
- Fiduciary responsibility
- Plan governance structure
- Governing documents
- Role of unions and collective bargaining agreements
- Role of policy makers and elected officials
Retirement Plans
- Why you need to know Retirement if you’re a Health Trustee
- Plan types - Defined benefit, Defined contribution, Hyybrid
- ERISA and why it plays a role in public retirement plans
- Plan administration
Health Plans
- Why you need to know Health if you’re a Retirement Trustee
- Plan considerations - Plan design, Plan funding
- ERISA and why it plays a role in public health plans
- Plan administration, data collection and analysis
- Wellness and other cost-control initiatives
Legal Environment
- Laws and regulations governing public sector plans
- ERISA and why it plays a role with public sector
- IRS and other federal regulations
- State and local considerations
- Legislative and regulatory outlook
- Trustee roles and duty in the legal environment