Health Care Cost and Quality
This course equips participants with practical strategies to reduce health care costs and improve care quality. By understanding and utilizing tools like flexible spending accounts (FSAs), participants can manage expenses effectively. Key topics include balance billing, claims and appeals, provider price transparency, and leveraging preventive care, wellness programs, and disease management to lower costs. The course also explores FSA rules, including use-it-or-lose-it provisions, election changes, and compliance considerations under ERISA, HIPAA, and COBRA. With insights into general-purpose, limited-purpose, and dependent care FSAs, participants gain the knowledge to optimize their benefits and make informed, cost-effective health care decisions.
Topics Include:- Health Insurance Basics
- Managing Health Care Cost and Quality
- Controlling Costs Through the Health Plan
- Controlling Costs by Maintaining Good Health
- Seeking Quality Health Care
- Assessing Health Care Options Based on Quality
View full course outline [PDF].
This course counts toward the Certificate in Health Plan Navigation.
Earn your Certificate to understand the fundamentals of health care
plans and how to support your plan participants in making the best
health care choices.
One-Credit Course
Price: $65 Members
($95 Nonmembers)
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