
Insurance Credit for Alabama - 200229 (Provider ID)

Important Continuing Education Information (Please Read Before Ordering)

Monitor Requirements

Exams must be monitored by a disinterested third party. The monitor should be an impartial person who is not concerned with the result of the examination or the success of the student. The monitor cannot be a friend, family member or co-worker of the student, nor anyone with a financial interest in the success of the student taking the exam. Acceptable examples are: teachers, librarians and/or church leaders.

E-Learning Continuing Education Monitor Form [PDF]

Reporting Continuing Education

Your completed and signed monitor form must be returned within five business days of passing your examination. 

If you fail to return the signed monitor form within five business days you will be required to pay a $25 administrative charge and retake the final exam.

Additional Continuing Education Information

Detailed continuing education information is available directly from your state insurance Web site:

The International Foundation provides this information as a courtesy to individuals who are subject to continuing education (CE) as insurance producers and/or brokers. Although reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided here is accurate and current, neither the International Foundation nor its employees warrant or represent that this information is accurate and current. All information is subject to change without notice.

Credit is not currently available for this state.