
Speaking Opportunities

The Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference narrows the gap between research and practice in the field of health promotion. We encourage proposals from health promotion professionals across disciplines and settings and prioritize those submissions that present evidence-based research and practical, actionable takeaways for attendees.

Session Categories

Poster Presentations

Deadline Passed

Posters will be on display Thursday and Friday, April 11 & 12, 2024 with presenters at their posters for 90 minutes each day in the morning.

Poster Presentation Submission Requirements

  1. Poster type: Research or Case Study poster
  2. 200-word abstract with a title (See details below)
  3. One-page summary of the presenter’s education and work experience that includes the presenter’s name, title, education and certification credentials, current organization, address, phone number and email address.
  4. Name, education and certification credentials and current organization of all poster authors.

RESEARCH ABSTRACTS must be organized in eight separate paragraphs with the sub-headings and contents as listed below.

  1. Statement of the problem: What overall problem were you trying to study, and why is it important?
  2. Intervention (if appropriate): Describe the intervention you tested.
  3. Study design: Describe the structure of the study and the variables of interest.
  4. Sample size and composition: How many participants were in the study, and what are their characteristics?
  5. Measures utilized: What measurement tools did you use to measure the variables of interest?
  6. Analysis method: What statistics did you use to analyze your data?
  7. Results: Report the results of your analysis in quantitative form.
  8. Conclusions: What overall conclusions can you draw from this study?

CASE STUDY ABSTRACTS must be organized in four separate paragraphs with the sub-headings and contents as listed below.

  1. Description of the organization (or community): Describe the organization or community in which your program is based.
  2. Summary of the primary program: Describe the core elements of the program you offered.
  3. What outcomes or processes have you evaluated, and what else will you evaluate? How have you evaluated them, and how else will you evaluate them?
  4. Summary of the program impact: Explain in quantitative form the results the program has demonstrated to date.

Poster presenters will be responsible for paying the core (three-day) conference registration fee before the start of the conference and for their own travel and hotel expenses. Poster presenters will be recognized on their name tags as a conference speaker.

Call for Proposals

Proposals have closed. Check back for the 2025 Call for Proposals - Opening in May!

Call For Proposals thumbnail

Making Connections

Deadline Passed

Opportunities for Making Connections will be scheduled throughout the conference. The purpose of Making Connections is to provide an opportunity for people with similar professional or personal interests to get together at the conference for a conversation, discussion, meal, workout or fun activity. Connections might include meeting for coffee or a glass of wine to talk about the health promotion programs they manage, going for a run, discussing legislative advocacy, going out for a meal, etc. They might attract as few as two or as many as 20 or more people. Individuals who offer a Connection should be prepared to start the discussion, meal plan or activity, then let the group take it from there. They should not plan to present a lecture or promote a product.

Making Connections Submission Requirements

  1. Name, credentials, title and organization of the individual suggesting the Connection
  2. Brief description of the Connection (i.e., the discussion topic, meal or activity proposed), including a title
  3. Preferred dates and times for the session (Wednesday, Thursday or Friday—morning, noontime or evening)

Making Connections leaders will be responsible for paying the conference registration fee before the start of the conference and for their own travel and hotel expenses. Making Connections leaders will be recognized on their name tags as a conference speaker.

Intensive Training Seminars

Deadline Passed

Two-day Intensive Training Seminars (ITS) will be presented on Monday and Tuesday, April 8 & 9, 2024 as preconference sessions. The seminars will be held for eight hours each day. Experienced workshop speakers are invited to submit proposals.

ITS Proposal Selection Criteria

Selections will be based on the following criteria:

  1. A compelling topic that will engage health promotion professionals
  2. A masterful speaker with extensive public speaking experience
  3. Impeccable credentials based on education and professional assignments relevant to the topic
  4. In-depth knowledge based on extensive experience relevant to the topic

Priority consideration will be given to proposals that result in a certificate for attendees. Certificate options are outlined below. The Conference staff can support the administration of certificates.

  1. Certificate of Attendance
  2. Certificate of Achievement—Requires a successful demonstration of knowledge (i.e., exam or case study presentation)
  3. Certificate in ____ (subject title)—This is something the organization might already have in place.

ITS Submission Requirements

Proposals must include the following:

  1. Seminar Content Document
    • Seminar title
    • Narrative abstract—up to 450 words
    • Outline of major topic headings, specifying the format used for each (i.e., lecture, discussion, exercises, etc.)
    • Three or four learning objectives stated in measurable and behavioral terms
    • Speaking experience: Include a list of invited presentations. List the dates, topics, types of presentations (e.g., keynote, workshop, one- or two-day seminar), locations and hosting organizations. Links to recordings of the sessions are welcome.
  2. Credentials: Include a resume or CV listing degrees earned, certification credentials, professional experience, honors received and a list of invited presentations including type of presentation (e.g., keynote, workshop, one or two-day seminar). Links to recordings of sessions are welcome.
  3. Biography: Include a one-page narrative biography with presenter's name, title, education and certification credentials, and current organization.
  4. Type of certificate to be offered (i.e., Attendance, Achievement, or a specific subject)

ITS presenters receive:

  • Complimentary registration for the three-day core conference
  • Reimbursement for airfare
  • Reimbursement for hotel accommodations
  • Per diem stipend based on the number of registrants for their ITS

All ITS presenters will be recognized on their nametags as a conference speaker. ITS presenters will be encouraged to promote their seminar to their network via social media, direct outreach or other means to supplement the conference marketing efforts.

If selected, ITS presenters will also be asked to present one Topic Presentation during the Core Conference. The subject may be based on the content of the ITS or a related topic, which will be determined in conjunction with the conference programming team.

Breakout Sessions

Deadline Passed

Breakout sessions (65 minutes) will be held in the mornings and afternoons throughout the conference. Four categories are available: Topic Presentations, Panel Discussions, Program Descriptions and Research Reports. All breakout presenters will be recognized on their name tags as a conference speaker.

Breakout Proposal Submission Requirements

All proposals must include:

  1. A one-page document including:
    • Session title
    • 150-250 word narrative abstract (see additional abstract requirements for Research Reports and Program Descriptions below)
    • Outline illustrating the format of the session
    • Three learning objectives stated in measurable and behavioral terms
  2. One-page narrative biography for each presenter
  3. Full CV, including education and certification credentials, work experience and a list of presentations made in the past five years for each presenter
  4. High-resolution, color headshot of each presenter.
    Note: Headshots will not be used during the review and selection process. In the event that your session is selected, having a headshot on file will expedite the confirmation process.

Topic Presentations

Topic Presentations should address fundamental and emerging subjects that advance the field of health promotion.

Topic Presentation speakers receive:

  • Complimentary registration for the three-day core conference
  • Reimbursement for airfare
  • Reimbursement for hotel accommodations
  • Per diem stipend.

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions are opportunities to present varying perspectives on a current and critical challenge facing the health promotion industry. Panel moderators will plan the agenda, moderate the panel and secure two to three other panel members.

Panel Discussion moderators receive:

  • Complimentary registration for the three-day core conference
  • Reimbursement for airfare
  • Reimbursement for hotel accommodations
  • Per diem stipend.

Up to three panelists receive:

  • Complimentary registrations for the three-day core conference

Panelists are responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses

Program Descriptions

Program Descriptions should describe programs already implemented in workplace, school, clinical, community or other settings.

Program Description presenters should be responsible for developing and/or managing the program they are describing. Proposals will not be considered from program vendors unless they are presented in conjunction with the client.

Program Description Abstract Requirements

Structure abstract as follows:

  • Organization (or community) description
  • Program components
  • Program implementation and evaluation history
  • Program impact: Participation, health and financial outcome.

Also include:

  • Statement about what makes this program innovative or disruptive
  • Abstracts of published articles on the program
  • Opportunities for broader application.

Program Description presenters receive:

  • Complimentary registration for the three-day core conference
  • Reimbursement for airfare
  • Reimbursement for hotel accommodations
  • Per diem.

Research Reports

Research Reports must address fundamental or emerging subjects in health promotion and have superior methodology. Research Report presenters should be the principal or co-principal investigator of the research they are describing and have a thorough grasp of research methodology.

Research Report Abstract Requirements

Structure abstract as follows:

  1. Statement of the problem
  2. Intervention (if appropriate)
  3. Study design (study structure and variables of interest)
  4. Measures utilized (form, validity and reliability)
  5. Analysis method
  6. Quantitative results
  7. Conclusions.

Also include:

  • Statement about what makes this program innovative or disruptive
  • Abstracts of published articles on the program
  • Opportunities for practical application.

Research Report presenters receive:

  • Complimentary registration for the three-day core conference
  • Reimbursement for airfare
  • Reimbursement for hotel accommodations
  • Per diem.

Activity Sessions

Deadline Passed

One-hour sessions, scheduled each morning and afternoon of the conference, may include cardio, dance, walking or jogging groups, yoga, meditation or any other safe activity.

Activity Session Submission Requirements

  • Description of the proposed activity
  • Type of equipment and space required (Activities that require little or no equipment will be given priority.)
  • One-page summary of the presenter’s education credentials and work experience, which includes the presenter’s name, title, education and certification credentials, current organization, address, phone number and email address.

Activity session leaders will be asked to lead up to three Activity Sessions during the conference.

Activity Session leaders receive:

  • Complimentary registration for the three-day core conference

Activity Session leaders are responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. Activity Session leaders will be recognized on their name tags as a conference speaker.

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